Project Ministry defence

Over the past few years, the Dutch Military has undergone huge changes, including a reorganizing of departments and a major down sizing, resulting of thousands of job losses. To its officers, who had become accustomed to the safety of a government position, these changes have been extremely difficult to deal with. We were approached about creating a series of stories that inspired the listener to think about change and ease their role changes within the organization.


We wrote and performed a live show called MAKING EXODUS, that explored change, transition, fear, and hope through storytelling. They were both poignant and humorous, and included personal stories, as well as classic folktales and nature stories.

The show was performed live at a series of military events and day long conferences, including a meeting of generals in the spring of 2012 and at the Naval base in Den Helder for naval officers in early 2013 and 2014. More performances are forthcoming, as well as the addition of written materials.

“Your way of telling stories gave them a secure feeling, while at the same time getting at the core problem we wanted to address. You have made me a believer in the power of storytelling.”

Egon Beart,
MBA EQ Deputy Chief Staff Office Leadership



When President George Bush was about to give a speech to thousands who would gather at Federal Hall in New York City, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the inauguration of America’s first president, his speech office needed some good stories. They heard about our expertise in finding and telling stories surrounding New York City’s rich history and asked for our help.


We reached in to our existing storehouse of rich material and we combed historical archives for rarely heard anecdotes about George Washington’s tenure in New York City, during the nations first two years. The White House Speech office was thrilled with the unusual, humorous, and imaginative material, which they had never run across. The new stories were included in the president’s opening remarks.

  • Sample Sentence Text

    Brett Wallace
    White House Speech Writer